Sunday 11 October 2015

Earrings To Pendants: DIY Project

Hey All,
How are you guys doing today...

The last DIY project on the blog was about footwear makeover Lacey Affair
Today on the blog is another DIY project and this time we are going to convert earring into pendants. 

We all own chunks of jewelry that we love and adore. But many a times we either get bugged using the same thing time and again OR their overuse leads to considerable amount of wear and tear.
In either condition I have found out a good way to reuse such jewelry pieces.
So lets begin our DIY..

CASE ONE: Looking for a Change
My current hair style is a bob cut.
And these big traditional push-back style earrings are doing no good. So thought of making a pendant set out of it.
An easy peasy job. 

Just separate the dangler part from the studs. 
And the good news is that you can easily use the studs.

And since you have two pendants...
Use one for the long chain and..

Other for the short chain. In my case I have used a stiff black thread.

Style these traditional pieces with ethnic wear. They also compliment well with indo-western look.

If you dont wish to have two, you can gift one to your Bestie..
And once you are done with the change avatar... turn them back into earrings. 

CASE TWO: Broken/ Damaged
I had these nice blingy fish-hook style earrings. But sadly one suffered minor damage. But I didnt wish to part ways with them. So I converted them into pendants too. Have a look how. 

 I had this clutch with a small chain, which served no purpose. Hence I removed it.
 But soon found a purpose of it, a chain for my blingy pendants..

This time I have fixed both the danglers in the same chain.

Style them with plain fabrics as prints camouflage its presence.

Hope, you had fun reading the post. Do let us know about your views.
Catch you soon... Till then Browse And Love


Sunday 4 October 2015

KAS: The Plateau...

Hey All,
Today's post is from my Travel Diary. 
 Visiting KAS PLATEAU had been on my 'To Travel List' from past 3-4 years, but fate took me there just a week back. People did advice me that traveling to the plateau would be disappointing right now as the valley and plateau hasn't bloomed much, thanks to the scanty rainfall. But I didn't wish to postpone the visit to next year and so we decided to go against all odds. Kas treated me with few beautiful and rare flowers and views, and I was elated to see them.

We booked our tickets online. CLICK HERE to reach the official Kas website, they provide you with all the information you want related to Kas Plateau.
The ticket amounts to just INR 10/- per person, which I think is way too less and should be increased to at least a hundred. I am saying so because I feel at least that way people who are truly interested in the nature and beauty will visit it. The ones who visit the plateau for their precious selfies and photographs, should stick to gardens. 

If I have to talk about the natural beauty of Kas.. its enthralling, mesmeric, and amazing. You literally stay spellbound. Bloom or no bloom, the place provides you with the much needed tranquility. 
But if I have to talk about the people visiting Kas... I have nothing good to say about them. Right from the time you start the uphill journey towards the plateau, all you see is people's stupidity, arrogance, ignorance, rogue behavior, lack of humanity and mannerisms. Cars parked haphazardly creating hour long traffic jams... Women and childern stomping and trampling the delicate plants while husbands clicking their picture perfect snaps... Rowdy youngsters doing what they do best, spoiling everything good.... and how can we forget the amateur and budding photographers... to get one flower's snap they suffocate the rest by lying down flat on the entire flower-bed... and for some it hardly mattered that they are on Kas Plateau because only thing matters to these self obsessed are their own pictures.. who cares about the rare flowers, right..
 You have to literally extract yourself from the shit going around and then being to concentrate on the nature.. I am sure you will be able to understand the agitation that I felt over there and spilt over here. 

Lines penned by William Blake:
    The tree which moves some to tears of joy 
is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way.
Some see nature all ridicule and deformity..
and some scarce see nature at all.
But to the eyes of the man of imagination
nature is imagination itself.

Anyways, leaving sophisticated illiterates and their moronic behavior aside..
 lets start with the nature which is always at its best.

View of the Valley and Dam

All the images were captured by my loyal Xiaomi MI3 and with its help I was able to capture great picture without any harm to the nature.

Malabar Crested Lark... least bothered who were around, posing for everybody

The gorgeous Magenta and Violet Impatiens Lawii (Terda)... They were everywhere and thats why common.

Utricularia Purpurascens also well known as Sita's tears, small carnivorous herb with bladder traps, very common on open, rocky areas in high rainfall regions. My personal favorite.

The sublime Cloudscape

Textured rocks of Kaas Plateau: the plateau is largely formed of basalt and the soil layer is no thicker than an inch.

Meet the few of the HOOLIGANS... wasn't able to capture the fat aunties bulldozing the plants.

Topli Karvi the wildflowers (on the left) are RARE and endemic: these purplish blue beauties bloom once every seven years

White ones are Dipcadi Montanum RARE: they were dancing gracefully with the delicate winds.

Eriocaulon (Gend): they are endemic and look like snow balls. Sorry couldnt get a sharp image as they are really tiny ones and didn't wish to trample the vegetation in an attempt to get a perfect picture. But you have to see them to believe how adorable they were.

Smithia(Kawla) are common: The Mickey Flowers. I just couldn't get over these charming and classy yellows.

Flemingia (Jartari) RARE: weird yet pleasing... well beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, right..

Picture Perfect

Pogostemon Deccanensis (Jambhali Manjari): Small erect aquatic herb, hadn't bloomed.

Resplendent Meadows and Valley

Senicio Grahamii the yellow white angelic wildflowers

The Lush and Luxuriant: saw a captivating sunset here, the sky was turning in into radiant orange

Blue Pansy : Junonia Orithya, found this peaceful carcass just by fluke at the road side. I guess I was rewarded by the valley.

One sincere request to the readers, kindly stop abusing nature and Respect it (its high time you do), as it is the biggest gift you can give to the generations to come. Preserve nature and spread beauty.
Hope you liked the post. Catch you soon, till then BROWSE and LOVE.

*Endemic means restricted to a certain place or area.
