Monday 21 September 2015

# Wanderlusting ITALY

Find life experiences and swallow them whole. Travel. Meet many people. Go down some dead ends and explore dark alleys. Try everything. Exhaust yourself in the glorious pursuit of life.
 -Lawrence K. Fish

On this breezy evening I went into a flashback of the summer of 2012.  I thought that this would be the best time to begin my first post with my mesmerizing travel experience.


My heart was overwhelmed with happy emotions. My dream of setting my foot in Europe was coming true.  It was a big opportunity, I was going for a short term summer course in fashion styling. I took this as a break to travel to as many places as I could.The place just got me awestruck. With every city I went to it just got better and better.

I understood the true meaning of wanderlust after coming back. I had a desire, an unending thought of hitting the road again, an urge to travel to a new land. Places I have never been before and places still left unexplored.

My eyes are full of joy and stunned looking at the beauty again. The pictures I’m putting up are not even one fourth of the memories that I captured in my heart.

Colosseum (Rome)

Toss a coin, Make a wish !! -Fountana de Trevi (Rome)

Piazza del Duomo 

Relaxing in the sun (Milan)

Paradise (Lake Como)

Pretty Lamp Posts (Genoa)

Boats will guide you home (Genoa)

Such Prettiness (Genoa)

Such beauty (Florence)

Always wanted a picture near this merry-go-round (Florence)

Wishes Wishes Wishes (Florence)

The leaning Tower of Pisa !!!

Boat ride through the channel of Venice 

First look of Venice

The floating city (Venice)

Hope you enjoyed the post. Stay tuned for more. Until then BROWSE AND LOVE.

Lots of Love 

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